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ΰ ֹε ȿȮ û Ұ յ ִ  25, ó ɸ ־ ֹε ߵǰ ִ.

dzõ ǿƮ ڴǥȸ ȸ

̿ ȸü û dzõ ǿƮ ڴǥȸ ȸ 97 ڰ 㰡û ʱ νð ݷ ұ, ڱ ̸ ܾ ־ٴ ϴ ̶͡ ϸ νð ڵ鿡 ֵѷ ݱ , ̴ Ұ £Ƿ ǿ ǵ û ͡ .

ȸ ٿ Ͽ 㰡 δϹǷ ̶ ؾ Ѵ١ νÿ ˱ߴ.

, ȸü νð ðȹü Կ ̹ ǰ , Ҽ ó ̾ Ȳ̴.

漮 ȣռ 12 23Ͽ ֹ 漮 ȣ簡 ֹε ǥ ȸü ȿȮû Ҽۡ ִ.

ο Ҽ 漮 ȣ( 38ȸ) Ҽ 帮 о߸ ϸ鼭 'θƮ Ͻ ' 쳽 θƮ о ׶ 󹰵ȸ Ӻаȸ ´. ״ о ȵǴ ؿ ķ ִ.

̾ 8Ͽ dzõ ǿƮ ڴǥȸ () ȸ ν ȿȮ ûҼ û ߴ.

ݹ νð , ðȹü(ȸü) ȿȮ ûҼۿ ռ 25 ɸ ־ ִ ߴ.

< >
-1997. 8. 13. ڰ 4° νÿ ȼ Ű νð ڱ Ұ , ȿ ðȹü Ͽ. , νô 3 Ȱ ݼ ŵ 4° ȿ Ȳ ٲ µ, ڱ 1997. 8. 13. ȿ ûߴ.

- ֹǰ û븦 (ν 97-499ȣ) Ͽ, 1997. 10. 31. 1997. 11. 19. ֹδǥ80 ǰ ȸ ݴǰ Ͽ.

-̶ Ź  Ѽϴ ü ֹε ż ݹ ߰, α ZƮ α 7 Ʈ ֹ 6,292 1997. 11. 19. ǰ Ǽ ϴ ֹε ż ݹ Ͽ ұ, ϰ ðȹü Ͽ.

- б Ӿпҿ 1997. 11. ߻ ʸ ߽ Ͽ " ֺ ߻ ġ " ߰, ߰ ȭǰ ִ α ߻꿡 ֹ ̿ ׵ οϴ ġ ϰ, Ǵ Ͱ ߷ ǵǴ ȸ, ν ùٸ ̿ ϴ ־.

- " ߻ ݿ 湮ڿ 򰡴 ġϰ , ڵ Ǿ ڿ ְ, Բ ִ ϰ ִ.  湮 , ڿ 켱Ǹ ֹ ޽İ Ǿ Ѵٴ ſ ϰ ʿϴٴ ݴϿ."

- "湮 90% ̻ ߻ ο ־ "߿ " Ͽ, ڵ αٿ ġ " ſ ⿩"ϴ Ͽ."

- , ϴ ġ ȴ." ƿ﷯ ̷ ߻ ִ ȯ溹 뿡 Ѱ ʿϴ." , 긲Ѽ ȸ ũٰ ǴܵǸ, Ǹ ϴ Ÿϴ." Ѵ.

- " ܱ ȸ ߻ϴ Ϳ ȹǰ ȴٸ, ᱹ ߿ θ ߱ϰ ȴٴ ؾ "̶ Ѵ.

-̿ ֹε ո̰ 鿡 ż ݴ ǰ ־ ұϰ, ڴ 1997. 11. 18. ڱ ǽûο "ֹǰ߼" Բ ֹδǥ24 "Ǽ" Ͽ.

-ڴ ư ̵ 1998. 9. 23. α Ʈ ǥ 3,437 "Ǻ Ǽ" ǽûο Ͽٰ Ѵ. ׷ α ֹε ڰ 1997. 11. 18. 1998. 9. 23. 2ȸ ǽûο Ͽٴ ֹδǥ 24 , ü  Ǹ Ͽ, α Ʈ ǥ 3,437 ü , ׵ , ,  Ǹ Ͽ ü ٰ Ѵ.

-ֹε ̰ üҸ "ֹǰ߼" "Ǽ" "Ǻ Ǽ" ϴ ֱ α ZƮ α 7Ʈ ֹ 6,292 1997. 11. 19. νÿ и Ǹ Ͽµ ұ, ڱ ſ ľ 3,437 뵵 "Ǻ Ǽ" νÿ Ͽٴ ̸ Ͽ.

- ߾ڵ û ð߰ȹ ϸ鼭 ̰ų żϿٴ Ȥ ֹε ̿ ǰ ְ, ڰ ǽûο ֹε ߿ ׿ "Ǽ" "Ǻ Ǽ" ۼ ֹ Ȯε ʰ ִ ̴.

-׷ ұϰ νô Ư 1999. 12. 21. ðȹü (ν 1999-241ȣ) 130,070 Ͽ ȸü(κü) Ͽ. νô óп ̾ 2005. 11. 7. ðȹü (ν 2005-371ȣ) ̰ ȸü(κü) Ͽ.

- ̿ ڴ ֱ νÿ κ 336븦 ϰڴٴ ûȹ û Ͽ. ȹ 113,524.00 ( 34,340, κü-336)̸, ̰ 1, 8 ๰ 11 3, 1 μӰ๰ 14 ϰڴٴ ̴.

<ȿȮ û >

- óп ־ ߴ, ڰ , ó ٰŷ ðȹü 㰡 û 翬 ڸ °ϿǷ ȿ Ѵ.

-νô Ͽ ó ϰ ġ ſ . ô ̹ 3ʿ ðȹü ڿ ؼ Ͽµ, ڱ ٲ ϰ ظ ʰ ִ ŷϰ ִ.

- ֹε ϰų Ǻη ߱ ̶, ֹε ո  ݴϴ Ϳ ؼ ̸ ϴ ٴ .

-νô ðȹü û ̸ Ծϸ鼭 ðȹ(2002. 2. 4. DZ ) ðȹԾ (21), ֹǰ ȸ ǰû(22) ( 2002. 2. 4. ǰȹ̿뿡ѹ 27, 28 ϰ ݿǾ ) ƴ ϰ ó Ͽ¹, ̴ ߴ ڷμ ó ȿ Ѵ.

-, νð üҸ Ǽ ٰŷ ó Ͽٰ ϴ, ̴ ðȹ , Ǽ ۼ ٵ ξ ֹε óп ݴϰ Ƿ, ̴ ⺻Ģ ټ ϴ ߴ, ڶ ̴.

-, ðȹü( ó) 1999. 12. 21. ̷ ¹, ̴ ȯ ν ӱ 1999. 7. 21. 2002. 6. 30. ̿ Ͼ Ϸμ ν ӱ Ǽڵκ ް Ƿ κ ¡ 5 ִ.

- α ֹε Ϳ ̷ ƹ ðȹü ȯ 忡 ˻ 弱󿡼 ̷ ̶ ۿ ٰ Ѵ.

- ʿ ģ ν ݷ ұϰ ڰ ٱ ðȹü Ծ õߴٴ ü ܾ ۿǾ Ͻϴ Ѵ.

- νð ֹ ȯ, ȯû ݴ뿡 ұϰ ȸü Ұ , ȸü ϰ ϴ ǰ ǹ̶ Ѵ.

- ͸ Ƴ ϴ ֹε, κü ִڰ Ǵ κе鲲 κü 𸣰ڴٸ ݴǰ νÿ ô "߾ ظ 㺸 ָ ȸü ְڴ.", " ֹε ϸ ʴ?" ߾ڸ εϴ ߾ Դ.

-νô ̹ 긲û ǰ߿ ӻ ʿ䰡 ϸ鼭 1997⿡ ðȹü 3ȸ ݼ ִ.

-׸ °μ ġ б Ӿп ۼ Ȯεǰ ְ, ֱ Ѱȯû νÿ ȯ漺 ǰ߿ ̷ ٽ ѹ Ѵ.

-Ѱȯû νÿ ǰ߼ , ڶ ġϰ ǥ 120m ̸ ü 90%̻ Ӿ߷ ̷ , ġ ִ ڿ 2 ü 90% ̻ ϰ ִ.

- ֺ ְ ߵǾ ū ̳, ° Ӿ ѷο Ȯ, Ȯ Ͽ ʿ䰡 ִ ̴.

- ȣ Ȱȯ ϱ Ͽ , ޽ Ǵ ڿ̴. , , , ֹ޽Ľü Ǿ ùΰμ ϰ Ŀ , ϰ ° ֺ Ӿ Ʈũ Ͽ İ Ȯ ֹε ϴµ ⿩ ִٰ Ǵܵȴ.

- 336, ϴ Ѽ 긲Ѽ Ͽ ڿ° Ӽ Է , ȣ ⷮ ȫ߻ 긲 , ֺ ȭ Ͽ ǿ Ǹ, α ߻ Ǵ , Ư ġ ٶ ʽϴ. ϰ ִ.

- ֹε װ νÿ ó ȿ̱ , ǰȹ̿뿡ѹ 28 (ðȹ ) "Ư層 Ǵ 5⸶ ðȹ ðȹ Ͽ ɷ ϴ ٿ Ÿ缺 θ Ͽ Ͽ Ѵ." ó ϰų Ͽ û ִ.

- νð ó 5 ϿǷ ߷ 볭 Ѽ ó Ͽ Կ ұ, ư óп ٰϿ ðǼ ȹ Ϸ ӱ ̰ ִٸ ó ȿȮ ϴ Ҹ ԰ ÿ û ̸ ̴.


ô ȯ溸 ѷ å ä νɿ и δ.

λҼ ó ûó Ȼ ϰ ȸϱ ذ ó ȿ̳ ϴ ġ ǰ ټ ̰ ִ.

Ȼ ¼ ɼ ȴٴ ϸ `' `ȯ' ѷΰ 10 Ѱ ѷ ϴ ȯü 1带 , ǰ ָȴ.

濡 ޼ϱ ̶ Ǵ ۿߴ.

Ǻ ǥ ȣ ȭȣ ó ô ȣ Ӹ ƴ϶ ̿ å õ ı ۿ ʷ ũٰ Ǵ .

Ǻδ " ڿ ε ȣ ɰ ȹ 4޼ ɼ , ޼ϱ ȴ" .

" ϼ ȣ ȸ û 簡 ϰܰ迡 ־ ؾ ޹ ȴ" "ƿ﷯ ̳ ı ȯش ߴܿ ߰ ҿ 뿡 ٰ ƴϴ" ߴ.

̿Բ ̹ 14õ̶ õ ݾ Ե 73% ô ϰ 1 յΰ ߴܰ Ӹ ƴ϶ ȸ Ǵٽ ߱ ̴.

ô ߴ ϵε ż  ؼ Ǵٸ ̴.

Ը ϸ鼭 ȣ å ߴٰ Ǵ ֵ `ɼ ' `'̶ ǰ åӹ ϰ ƴ.

"å õ ߴٴ ޹ħǰ Ӹ ƴ϶ ȣ ǥ ƴ϶ ñ⸦ ؾ Ѵٴ ߴ" ߴ.

ô ֹΰ ùδü 3õ539 ۳ 8 ν ˹ߵ ô ѷ ȼҼ ܰ迡 ̺ 2-3 ȿ 1 ǰ ̴.

۳ 5 1 غ ȭ Ҽ 3 Ͽ û äõ ۳ 11 5 ǽ, غ Ϸƴ.

27Ͽ 1 б ϱؿ ġ ߿伺 ϱ û ޾Ƶ鿩 Ķ ڻ  νŹ ǽõ 18Ͽ ҷ ǰ ߴ.

Ǻδ "׵ ִ Ȳ̾ ƴٰ ǴѴ" "߰ ٸ ʾ 2-3 ȿ Ȼǿ ĥ "̶ ߴ.

ǰ 󸲺 ̹ װ װ ü ȿ ߴܵǴ ƴѵ װɿ ҿ ̹ ȿ  Ǵ ָȴ.


< >

'ȭ ' (Institutionalized Administrative State) ѱ ־ ġ ȯ ִ ذ̴. 'ȭ ' 뱹 ǥ ִ ѱ翡 ־ ȷ ؿԴ ϰ ȭ ⸦ ϰ ϴ õ ش. (nation-building) 䱸 䱸 ޹ħֱ ѱ ú ɰ ȭ״. ȭ ɷȭ ߵ û Ͽ ֵ 忡 ȯ Ӹ ƴ϶ ' ' ¿ ѱȸ (civilian control) ϴ Ǿ ġҾ ũ ν Ƿ ࿡ ⿩ߴ. ȭ (strong presidency) ϴµ ν, Ư 3迡 ־ п ' ' ׷ ġ ȥ ȸ ִ ȿ ȯ ߰, Ŀ Ÿ ο ġµ鿡 ִ ȣ ۿߴ. ׷ ð 鼭 ȭ ε巯 Ÿ ߴ. ȭ, , , ġ ȭ ϻȭǾ. ȭ , Թ Ұ ȣ谡 Ͽ Ģ ó ǿ ġ 䱸 ְų ɼ ũ. Ƿ° 踦 ұϰ ȭ ɰ ȭ ⱸ ο Ƿ װ ȭȭŰ ο ȯ濡 䱸Ǵ ɷ ջŰ, ư Ǹ ·Ӱ . ȸ , ΰ 踦 װ 籸ϴ ̴. ȭ ̵鰣 'ϰ ϻж ɰ' ϴ ɷȭ ⿩ , 漺 Ǵ ο Ͽ ġ ֿ ȴٴ ν ʿ䰡 ִ.


Ǵ ġ( 'ġ' ĪѴ) ǻȲ ϰ ϱ ǿ ־ ȯ ϴ ʼ ̶ ִ. ġǴ ߻ȭ 󼭴 Barry M. Hager ٿ 1)
ٽ ҿ ־ ġ ִ.2)
׷ ü Ưκ Ϲ߻ ϵ ϴ. Ư ġǿ ǿ ־ ߿ ġǰ Ư 濡 ϴ Ͽ ִٴ ϴ ̴. ̷ 'ȭ ' (Institutionalized Administrative State)
ѱ ־ ġ ȯ ִ ذŶ Ҽ ִ.3)
'ȭ ' (administrative state) 뱹 ǥ ִ ѱ, Ư 翡 ־ (constant) ؿԴ ϰ ȭ ⸦ ϰ ϴ õ ش.

. п ־ ʫ μ

1. ʫ

(nation-building) 䱸 䱸 ޹ħֱ ѱ ú ɰ ȭ״. ɰ ο ٸ Ƿ¿ ѵ ν ϴµ Ͽ.4)
DZʺ ٰ ɿ Ȱźα ־ Ӹ ƴ϶ ̷ ο ȱ ο߰, Թ ɼ ν ̸ Թ ʷϿ. Ҽ ġҾ Ѵٴ Ͽ õ ټȮġ Ǵ Ű̳ Ǵ ̾ شȭ Ѽ ȸټĸ ϰ õǰ 系 ν Թ ǻ ־. ̷ Թ谡 ġ ʾҴ, ſ 幮 쿡 ̳ չ ο ѵ Թ ־ Ӹ, õ ȸ, , Ǽ Ǵ ̳ ǰ Ӹ ĥ ־. ̿ ȭ 1960 5 16 Ÿ 屺 ֵ 3ȭ ȭ DZ Ͽ ɿ Ƿ ⵵ 1972 ¾Ұ, ϻ ȯ屺 ֵ 1980 5ȭ ϻȭǾ.

2. ʫ Ѧ Ѧ

1) ʫ Ѧ

ó DZ ú ȭ߰ ̸ Դٴ DZ ѱ 10 ̻ ؿԴ ǿ ġ ġ ϴ ٺ Ǿ. ׷ ȭ ɷȭ ߵ û Ŵν ֵ ࿡ ȯ Ǿ Ӹ ƴ϶ ' ' (delayed revolution) ¿ ѱȸ 絶κ (civilian control) ϴ Ǿ ġ ҾȰ ȥ ũ Ű ν Ƿ ࿡ ⿩ߴ. ȭ Ư 3迡 ǽϴ ' ' ׷ ġ ȥ ҽĽŰµ ȯ ƴ϶, Ŀ Ÿ ġµ ֵ ִ ſ ȣ ۿߴ. 迵 ȭ (veto) ־ θ ־ ̳ ߴ ߴ ڽ ġ ϴµ Ǿ , Ƿ±ⱸ Ӱ ־ , ɵ ȿ 󼭴 ġ ִ 뵿質 л ݹ ִ ȸ ī ٸ ϰ ̿ ־ٴ ȭ ü ġ߸ ȿ뼺 ִ ʵ̶ ־.

2) ӥʫ Ѧ

ȭ Ƿ ʿ ٿ ɺٴ ȮǴ Դ. ȭ ٵ η Ͽ , ȸ ǥ ǥϸ ǻ κ  ùλȸ Һ ϰ ̶ ϻȭϵ ϴ Ǿٴµ ־. ׷ ƹ ٰŵ üŲ ȯ ġ ʿ.5)
ó ΰ ġ ذ谡 Ͽ Һ Ƿ ֵθ ־ ġϿ Ұ 鵵 ʾ, ÿ Ǿ ־ Ƿ° ġ ۵ ߱ ̱⵵ ߴ. 1997⸻ ȯ IMF ۿ ߴ ѱ 迡 ߾ ̴. , ȭ , Թ Ұ ȣ谡 Ͽ Ģ ó ǿ ġ 䱸 ְų ɼ ũ. ̷ , ȭ ߰ 21 Ѱȯ濡 䱸Ǵ (governance) ִ ִٴ Ѵ , Ƿ° 踦 ұϰ ȭ ɰ ȭ ⱸ ο Ƿ װ ȭȭŰ, ο ȯ濡 䱸Ǵ ɷ ջŰ, ư Ǹ ·Ӱ ٴ , ̻ ġ .
κ Ż ǻ Ȯ ݵ ȿ Ű ƴϴ. ϻȭ ȭ Բ ó ߽ ҽ ȭ ϰų ġ ϴ 쿡 ʿ ŷڿ ȹ ᱹ Բ ϰ 缺Ⱑ ʷ ִ. ̷ 1960̷ 30Ⱓ ӵ Ͽ и Ÿ. չ 䱸 Թ Ӹ ƴ϶ ɷ ִ ʴ ۿ ִ: չ ȿ (endogenous factor) ģ. å ʷϴ 񸮿 ҷ չ 䱸 ų ʷǾ ɷ غ ξ ɰ ְ, ü ȿ ջų ֱ ̴. չ 䱸 ɷ å å ߻Ǵ ʿ (Unkosten) ̿ ս ʷϰ ŷڸ ջŰ, ȿ ϰ и ߱ϴ DZ⵵ Ѵ.6)

3) ʫ ܻ ۰

DZʱ⿡ Ǿ ǿ ȭǾ ȭ Ƿ 21⸦ տ ̻ ̴. ׷ ġǴ ȭ ۿϰ ִ ȭ ġ ִ ϳ, ̴. ġǸ ȭ ġϴ ̶ ϴ ģ ߻ȭϼ ִ. ȭ ȯ Ʒ ġǰ 䱸ϴ ȸ 谡 ʹ ޸ ȭ ְ ׷ Դٴ , ڰ ̶⺸ٴ ڰ Ǵ ϴ ȴٰ ֱ ̴. ׷ ⼭ ߿  μ ġ ü ƴ϶ ȭ ȯ濡 ġǰ   Ͽ ϴ ϴ ̴. ȭ ȯ濡 ѱ ġǰ ؾ Ұ Կ ־ ġ ó(panacea) ߰ߵ ʴ´. ׷ Ѱ и Թ, , 谡 ġǿ ۵ Ƿºи 䱸 ° п ǵ ؾ Ѵٴ ̴.

. ʫ ־

1, ءݤ ݤ Ѣ


ȸ ο Ͽ ̰ ֵ ߱ ʿ䰡 ִ. ȭ ȯϿ ȸ ó Ȳ ׸ ϴ. ĩ, κ ׷ߵ, ȸ ǻ ϰ ΰ ϴ η ʴ. ̴ ġǿ Ƿºи 䱸 ߾ ſ ٶ ̴.
ȸ ٵ Թ ־ Ȯ µ ← ̴. ̸ ؼ ȸԹ ȸŰ 븦 ϴ ޼̴. ǿ Թ ־ ֵ ҽĽŰ Ұϴ ,  ȸԹ ֵ ϱ å õ ϰ ʼ̴. ȸ Թ± 츮 Թ å İ ϸ ȸ ϴ ȸ ġ ȴ. ȸ ־ Թ ̶ ν ʿ䰡 ִ. ں̳ 簡 ޵ ʴ Թ , Թ å Թ̴. ȸ Թڰ ϵ ÿ ̷ ϱ ϴ ϵ س ̴. ֱ ùδü鿡 ǰ ִ ԹȰ ׷ Ҹ , ̸ Թ 꿡 (participation in legislative coproduction process) ȿ ִ ߾ ̴.
Թ å õ ġ ְ Ǵ Ƿ ұ ϱ ʼ ̴. ̸ ؼ Թ Ѱ װ ϱ ؼ 䱸, 켱 Թ Թ , Ѱ踦 и Ͽ -(Erm?chtigungs-Gesetz) ʵ ؾ ϸ, Թ ȿ ī ϴµ ← Ѵ.
1996 12 ȸ 982 żϿ "߾ ϰų Ͽ ʿ ɷ Ѹ η Ʒ õ Ģ Ǵ ȶ 7̳ ̸ ȸ ۺϿ Ѵ" ν ȸ 'Թ' ּ οϿ ܼ ȸۺθ ǹȭ ̻ ȿ νŰ ʾҴ. ̵ ̳ Ģ ᱹ ȸ ġ Ǵ öȸ ؼ ̷ ִٴ ٺ ̷ ̶ ƴ.
ġ ϳ å õ ϱ Թ ϴ ִ ⼭ ̶ Ǹȣ (Vehikel) ü ˹߽ ġǸ Ű Ⱑ ɼ ִٴ Ǿ Ѵ ٵ δ ġ Ͽ ȿ̰ Ǹ (l?ckenloser Rechtsschutz) ǹ Ҽ۹ ޼̴. Ư ǹҼ, ó ¸ ִ ۼ Ͽ Ѵ. ǹ Ҽ  Ե ȮμҼ, Ƿʿ ټ , ǹ öŰ Ҽ۹̶ ϱ⿡ Ѱ踦 ϰ ִ.7)
źóп ҼҼ ¼ǰ  û ʿ ٸ źó ִ ɼ Ѵ. Ϻ ޸ 츮 'Ҽ۱' (prozestaat) ص ŭ Ǹ 䰡 ϴ Ǿµ, Ϻ 20 ȮμҼ 14 帥 ڿ ư ߴٴ ݼ ʿ䰡 ִ. ƿ﷯ 1951 ̷ ݼ Ϻ ״ ϰ ִ սǺ ǰ ̷ ̴.8)

°, ȸ ԹǾȭ ⿡ ߾ ȸ ΰ Ȯ ι̴. ̸ ؼ ٵ ֿ λûȸ ȭϴ , ȭ ոȭ ٺ ȸ ʿ䰡 ִ.
ȭ Ʋ ӿ Ǿ Ƿ± ְ Ͽ ȸ ϴ Ǿ ִ. ȸ Թ μ ȸ μ ο 赵 ̱ ̴. ȸ ̷ ǥ ٸƴ ν ޼ ִ.

2) ݤ

ġ å ٵ 迡 ν ȯκ Ѵ. ѱġ κ Ż ȸ ǻ ݵ ȿ Ű ƴ϶ ̴. ϻȭ ȭ ó ߽ ҽ Ȯ ν ϰų ġ ʿ ŷڿ ȹ ᱹ 缺⸦ ʷ ִٴ 1960 30Ⱓ ӵ Ǿ.
̷ ΰ ȸ ؿԴ ڼ ٺ ݼ ʿϴ. ġǴ ' ' ȭ ƴ϶ ' Ƿ ' 䱸ϸ, Ұ ְ μ ǥ ȿ ޼ ִ. δ ̷ ġ Ƿ ϰ νϰ Ƿºи ӿ Ϸ ̴.

1) ܨ

(1) ˭: ʥ

츮 Ϻó Ҽȸ ȭ(Streitvermeidungskultru)9)
ƴ϶ ۺһ ȭ(Streitsbereitschaftskultur) شѴ. Ư γ ġü, ϴ Դ.
ȭ ʿ Ƿ , Ƿ ȸܵ ϰ ִ. ùδü(NGO, NPO, CSO, CBO) Ȱ Ȱ ִ , ̵ ùδü Ϻθ ߽ ͺȣȰ, ͼҼ ȰȭǴ Ÿ ִ. ƿ﷯ ̵ ùδü Ȱ 2000 4 13 Ѽ ѷΰ Ǿ õ  Ÿ ٿ ȸ ־.

(2) ù ȭ
Ϲֹε ڹ ȹ̳ ݴϴ  ϴ Ȯǰ ִ. ϻ, õ, д, ȣ ݴ̳, ַ ״ɷ ߽ ,  Ͼ ִ ׷ ̴.


̷ Ƿºи ϱ ٽ ù°, ⸦ Ű, °, 'Ʒκ з' (pressure from below) ϴµ ۼܰ ۹ Ȯϴ ִ. ù° ַ Թ ü(NGO) Ǵ ùδü(CSO) Ȯϴ ߴ , (Laienrichter or Sch?ffen) ܼҼ(class action or Verbandsklage)ó ȸ οϴ ̳ Թ ȿ ҿ , Ǵ ùδü ȯ(feedback) ġ ε üȭ ִ. ѱ ־ Թ ù ̳ , ȣ, Ÿ̿뿡 ־ ȣ,10)
ü Ǵ ȯýü ġ ֹε ǰ߼ ַ , ùε ټ ϱ Թ ε巯 Ÿ ִ. ° ַ (suing government) ȭ ִ ȭ ġǷ ν (responsiveness) ϴ ̴. ġǰ ü Ǵ ̽ ī̶ Ҽ̳ ҽŰų ׷ å öŰ ̾߸ ϵ(Law governs the Government) ȿ ̶ ִ. ̷ ѱ ġ Թ 鿡 ̷ 򰡵ȴ. Ư 1990ʺ κ Ʒκ з̶ (vector) Ծ ټ Թ öǾ Ӹ ƴ϶ ùε ̿ 鿡 ̷ ߱ ̴. ׷ ȭ ұϰ ִ. ߿ ٸ, ù°, ֿ Թ ȿ鿡 뿡 ɸ´ õ ȭ ϰ ִ. ǥ ̴. ù 踦 Թȭϴ ȿ ϱ Թ ° ̸ ùλȸ ɰ õ ʿϴ. ùΰ 踦 Ȱϰ , ȭν (regularisation), Ǵ ҽŰ, ŷ Ű ÿ, -ù 踦 û ° 籸 ִ ̴. ׷ ϼ ν ó ߽ ߾ ǽõǾ ұϰ ؿ ӹ ִٴ ǰ̴.11)

Ư ϼ ǽ 䱸Ǵ ɷ ϰų ʿ ݽ ϴ ϴ. Ǵ ȿٴ ׷ ܱ ִ°̴. ޶ ٴ 򰡰 λӸ ƴ϶ ϼ ؼ εǰ ִ ̵ ٷ ű⿡ ִ. ó νļ ȿ 㺸 ġ ῩǾ ִٴ , տ Ǵ ٲ ä ٽ ȭ Ұ κ ʴٴ , ݸ ǽϵ Ǿ ־ ٲ ұϰ ǹ dz ̷ ״ Ϸ ִٴ پ ε鿡 Ե ̶ ִ. ׷ ߿ ̳ غⰣ Ǵ ̳ ַο 䰡 ̷ ߰ ϼ Ȳ غ۾ ̸ ǽõ ߴٴ ִ. ΰ غ۾ 󸶳 ߴ 캸 и 巯 ̴. ó ħ ϰ ġü ǽϴ , ߾ å ̷ ʾҴٰ ص ƴϴ. Ϲ νļ ϼ װͺٵ ξ ؿ ӹ ִ. ü Ǿ ǰ ִٴ ϴ ƴ϶ ִ 鵵 ΰ  ǹ̸ ϰ  ȭ Դ ϰ ִ.12)

׷ ȿ Ÿ ߴ. ѻ ݰ νDZ ںݰóп ǰ13)
̳ ǰ ġ ó 2000.11.14, 995870ǰ ǥ ʵ̴. ׷ غ ¿ ӹ ִ. Ư ν ȯ ɵ ƴ. ̷ ϱ ؼ ο ȭϰ ȭ ϸ, Ư ߰ ϴ ߿ϴ. ƿ﷯ ν ̸ ոȭ ڼ 䱸ȴ.
°, ִ Ǹ ַ ε ؼ Թ õ ʿϴ. տ ٿ , ǹ Ҽ , (standing to sue), óм Ҽ ̿ ȮѴٵ簡, Ҽۻ ܼҼ, ü ذ(ADR) ȿ ذ ̴. ̵ Ǵ ַ Թ ̷ , ȿ 󼭴 Ƿʺ ع ϰ ո 쵵 ̴. , ġǸ Ǵ 籸ȭ ʿϴ. ̰ ܱ 跮 ɷ ߽ Ǿ չ ġ ɷ ҿ Ͽ Ȯ ο ̳, 'ոȭ ġ' (rationalized Rule of Law) ǰϿ 籸ϴ ̴. ̸ Ͽ õ 3 1̻ ð پ ɰ ϰ 鼭 ׷ Ʒ ϰ ִ , ȭ, ȣڰݼڵ Ȯ, ̳ åǹ м(legal impact analysis) ȭ, ȭ ǰ ִ.

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ġǴ 츮 ߱ؾ ġ(Wertordnung) ǥ 21⿡ Ƴ ̴. 츮 츮 һ ˰ ִ Ȳ ġǴ ̻ ٸ ǰ ؾ ġ ִ 'Ү ' (ordre public) ƴϴ. װ ۷ι Ż ǽð ̷ , , ΰ ŷ Ϻΰ ǰ ִ. ǥμ ָ ȹϱ ġǴ ̻ 'ƽþ ġ' (Asian Values) 'ѱ Ư'̴ ϴ ܸ õ̼ Ǿ. ġǴ ǥ(global standard) ġȸ ȯ ϰ Ǵ ȹ ԰ ƴϴ. װ ѱ , ״ ǥ̴. ׷ ߿ ȵ ġ 䱸 ų ϴ 21 ̿ Ƴ ÷ Ǿٴ ̴. ġ 밡 Ǵ Ƿºи , Ʋ ȿ Ƿ° ȣ ġ û ƴϴ. װ ̹ 21 ݶ ijµ ʿ Ǿ ִ. 21 ο ȯ濡 䱸Ǵ ȸ ΰ Ƿ° и ̶ (statics) ƴ϶ Ƿ° ̶ (dynamics) Ǿ Ѵ. ȸ ο ȸ , ȿȭ, DZ Ȱȭ μ ̰ õ ̷ ־ 볻 شȭ ֱ ̴. ̷ Ƿºи ؼ ǿ Ƿºи ī ü ο μ ߰ ʿ䰡 ִ. ȭ ־ ̹Ƿ ̸ ϱ ؼ ʿ ̴. ׷ 켱 䱸Ǵ ȸ , ΰ 踦 װ 籸ϴ ̴. ȭ ̵鰣 'ϰ ϻж ɰ' ϴ ɷȭ ⿩ , 漺 Ǵ ο Ͽ ġ ֿ ȴٴ ν ʿ䰡 ִ. ̷ ָ ݵ Ƿ° ' Ǯ Ǿ.

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MaryTenderLOS: You would get attracted to the noises they make. Let us know your favorites, or if youd buy them for your kids, in the comments below. Many kids find challenging toys very interesting and like to play with it just because they have to think and use their brain.   -[12/22-08:13]-

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LoxMouddIx: If it is too sizzling it can damage the hair only coarse hair texture can just take such type of warmth, standard temperature is best although starting the iron for any texture.Apart from this, a particular shampoo is employed that is meant to be salt-significantly less.In this method of hair straightening chemical compounds are used to give great results.This remedy is a permanent straightening procedure.That is a good thing due to the fact time is of the essence for specialist hairstylists.  
     twenty five inches of plate dimensions.If you are in the industry for a straightforward and trustworthy GHD hair straightener, then the common is dead on for the job. [url=http://www.australiaghdhairstraighteners.com/]ghd hair straightener[/url] There are distinct sorts of straightening iron hair stylers available out there in the market place for sale.Even though the width of a GHD hair straightener is important, that's not what can make the straightening of any hair kind doable.
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     Whenever you absorb the services of the asbestos interrogation throng, be sure the selective examiner aesthetically inspects the undivided fortune and carefully collects trials with care to clinical evaluation. When the examiner discover asbestos in your quarter, that will details must be made handy to you in a written going-over that will describes the exact section in the annihilation, and its even. The evaluation have to also condition the true to life inspectors ideas as a service to repairing the dare, or it is possible that protecting against 1 upright previous the guess starts.    
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     Things to regard While Hiring Skilled Asbestos Unseating Providers    
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     Dont permit any kind of asbestos execution labour to commence until in the long run receiving a composed commitment outlining the work scheme, acceptable neighborhood, state, and federal laws that the house is needed to conform, as expressively as a total number clean-up scenario.    
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caivfixp@gmail.com: "Handbag Organizers to Tame Your Tousled Purse,Every woman occasionally needs to switch purses to match outfits, occasions, or simply for a change of pace,Making such a switch can be time consuming and, if the new purse has a lot of compartments or pockets, it can be confusing to remember where specific items have been placed,Also, if a substantial amount of time has passed between purse changes, she may discover that the contents of her purse have become quite tousled, making items even more difficult to find,The simple solution to tame that tousled purse is to use a handbag organizer,The Classic Transfer Bag is the original organizer, and it features multiple inner and outer pockets as well as a zippered pouch,You'll enjoy the use of a key loop, too, so you'll no longer have to dig to the bottom of your purse for your keys,Each bag comes with a detachable shoulder strap, as well, so that you can even use the Classic Transfer Bag as a purse if you so choose,These organizers come in a variety of patterns and colors to suit your taste,Most measure 9,5 inches in width, 6 inches high and 2 inches deep, offering plenty of room for all of your belongings,The Black and Brown Satin Transfer Bag is patterned in a lovely paisley pattern that has been interlaced with silver threading,This satinlined transfer bag is pretty enough to carry as a clutch! A rhinestone pull on the zippered cosmetic bag adds an extra touch of shimmer to this convenient organizer,Four elastic pockets are just the right size for your cell phone, checkbook, business card case, and pens,This version even comes with a detachable handle because it's so glamorous you may just find yourself carrying it around as your purse!,The Taupe Dragonfly Transfer Bag also features four elastic pockets to hold anything important enough for you to carry along,Tuck your cell phone safely into one of the pockets and use another for cash or for your checkbook and a pen,Secure your house keys on the convenient key loop,The satin fabric is taupe and embossed with dragonflies,The cosmetic bag features a rhinestone zipper pull, and it's roomy enough for all the beauty supplies you need to take along,The Classic Mommy Transfer Bag in Blue or Pink Stripe allows you to move all of your important personal items from your purse to your child's diaper bag or even to your gym bag,Two exterior flat pockets plus four elastic pockets provide plenty of room for your cell phone, business cards, checkbook, and other items that you need to carry everywhere,Pick blue if you have a boy or pink if you have a girl,,,or be different and just go with whichever one you like,love! If you usually carry a large purse stuffed with a variety of your precious belongings, you might want to use the Big Timer Transfer Bag,There are four pockets and a zippered pouch on the outside of this big organizer, plus elastic grip pockets on the inside that will keep everything in its place,The Big Timer also features a convenient key loop so you won't have to dig for your keys ever again,These bags are 10 inches wide, 8 inches high and 2 inches deep to give you plenty of room for whatever you need,The Big Timer comes in a variety of fun prints like Leopard, Dragonfly, or Stripes,They also feature handles so that you can use them on their own as lovely clutches,, plus there is a detachable fortysix inch shoulder strap for more convenience,These big organizers also come in solid black faux leather, or you can choose satinlined leather in copper, black, or pewter for additional stylishness,Teenie Transfer Bags are slightly smaller than their Classic counterparts, measuring 8,5 inches wide, 8 inches high and 1,5 inches deep, but they hold everything you need,Designed to fit inside of smaller purses, they are also perfect when you want to carry along just a few important items,Tuck them inside your gym bag, diaper bag, or your briefcase and be assured that the four elastic pockets will hold all of your credit or business cards, your phone, and other essential items,It even includes a cosmetic bag with a beautiful rhinestoneadorned zipper pull,The Teenie Transfer Bags, like the Classic and Big Timer Transfer Bags, come in a variety of colors and designs,Choose the Black or Taupe Dragonfly or the Pewter or Copper Leather,There is even an elegant black Teenie, which comes with a detachable shoulder strap,All of the Teenies are designed to be used inside of larger bags or on their own as clutches or shoulder bags,Move everything from one purse to another in seconds with one of these unique transfer bags, and you'll never feel disorganized again! Cole Mccormick is a freelance writer who writes about fashion, apparel, and organizational products such as handbag organizers,Every woman occasionally needs to switch purses to match outfits, occasions, or simply for a change of pace,Making such a switch can be time consuming and, if the new purse has a lot of compartments or pockets, it can be confusing to remember where specific items have been placed,Also, if a substantial amount of time has passed between purse changes, she may discover that the contents of her purse have become quite tousled, making items even more difficult to find,The simple solution to tame that tousled purse is to use a handbag organizer,The Classic Transfer Bag is the original organizer, and it features multiple inner and outer pockets as well as a zippered pouch,You'll enjoy the use of a key loop, too, so you'll no longer have to dig to the bottom of your purse for your keys,Each bag comes with a detachable shoulder strap, as well, so that you can even use the Classic Transfer Bag as a purse if you so choose,These organizers come in a variety of patterns and colors to suit your taste,Most measure 9,5 inches in width, 6 inches high and 2 inches deep, offering plenty of room for all of your belongings,The Black and Brown Satin Transfer Bag is patterned in a lovely paisley pattern that has been interlaced with silver threading,This satinlined transfer bag is pretty enough to carry as a clutch! A rhinestone pull on the zippered cosmetic bag adds an extra touch of shimmer to this convenient organizer,Four elastic pockets are just the right size for your cell phone, checkbook, business card case, and pens,This version even comes with a detachable handle because it's so glamorous you may just find yourself carrying it around as your purse!,The Taupe Dragonfly Transfer Bag also features four elastic pockets to hold anything important enough for you to carry along,Tuck your cell phone safely into one of the pockets and use another for cash or for your checkbook and a pen,Secure your house keys on the convenient key loop,The satin fabric is taupe and embossed with dragonflies,The cosmetic bag features a rhinestone zipper pull, and it's roomy enough for all the beauty supplies you need to take along,The Classic Mommy Transfer Bag in Blue or Pink Stripe allows you to move all of your important personal items from your purse to your child's diaper bag or even to your gym bag,Two exterior flat pockets plus four elastic pockets provide plenty of room for your cell phone, business cards, checkbook, and other items that you need to carry everywhere,Pick blue if you have a boy or pink if you have a girl,,,or be different and just go with whichever one you like,love! If you usually carry a large purse stuffed with a variety of your precious belongings, you might want to use the Big Timer Transfer Bag,There are four pockets and a zippered pouch on the outside of this big organizer, plus elastic grip pockets on the inside that will keep everything in its place,The Big Timer also features a convenient key loop so you won't have to dig for your keys ever again,These bags are 10 inches wide, 8 inches high and 2 inches deep to give you plenty of room for whatever you need,The Big Timer comes in a variety of fun prints like Leopard, Dragonfly, or Stripes,They also feature handles so that you can use them on their own as lovely clutches,, plus there is a detachable fortysix inch shoulder strap for more convenience,These big organizers also come in solid black faux leather, or you can choose satinlined leather in copper, black, or pewter for additional stylishness,Teenie Transfer Bags are slightly smaller than their Classic counterparts, measuring 8,5 inches wide, 8 inches high and 1,5 inches deep, but they hold everything you need,Designed to fit inside of smaller purses, they are also perfect when you want to carry along just a few important items,Tuck them inside your gym bag, diaper bag, or your briefcase and be assured that the four elastic pockets will hold all of your credit or business cards, your phone, and other essential items,It even includes a cosmetic bag with a beautiful rhinestoneadorned zipper pull,The Teenie Transfer Bags, like the Classic and Big Timer Transfer Bags, come in a variety of colors and designs,Choose the Black or Taupe Dragonfly or the Pewter or Copper Leather,There is even an elegant black Teenie, which comes with a detachable shoulder strap,All of the Teenies are designed to be used inside of larger bags or on their own as clutches or shoulder bags,Move everything from one purse to another in seconds with one of these unique transfer bags, and you'll never feel disorganized again! Cole Mccormick is a freelance writer who writes about fashion, apparel, and organizational products such as handbag organizers,"  -[06/20-04:41]-

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